Isle of Mull Cheddar 1/4 6kg, Neal´s Yard Dairy
Forpakningsinfo: 24.0 KG per STK
Antall per kolli: 1
Minste antall: 0,25
Isle of Mull er en gårdsost produsert på tradisjonelt vis, selvsagt upasteurisert og laget på «lett» alkoholholdig melk fra de gladeste kuene i Skottland. En skotsk Cheddar med en fast, fondantaktig tekstur som pleier å være litt mer kompakt enn de andre Cheddar-ene vi selger.
Isle of Mull Cheddar lages på en liten familie gård ligger på den vakre øya Isle of Mull utenfor vestkysten av Skottland. De er de eneste som har eget gårdsysteri på gården; alle andre er langt mer "fornuftige".
For de som vil vite litt mer om deres flotte holdninger og mentalitet så lar vi dem selv fortelle litt mer på engelsk slik at vi unngår «lost in translation» problematikk:
At Sgriob-Ruadh (Gaelic: meaning "Red Furrow" and pronounced Ski-brooah) the cows are predominantly Friesian but the odd Ayrshire or Jersey. Most recently, Brown Swiss cows have been introduced. Their milk is especially suitable for the making of fine cheese.
Fine cheese, of course, can not be made with out the very best of milk. No cheese is made with fresher milk than that used at Sgriob-ruadh. Here, in the morning, as the cows are milked, their milk is taken directly from the milking parlour to the cheese-making vat. This is the freshness denied to the large scale, factory-like cheese-making plant of today, who must first collect their milk by road-tanker from many farms over a wide area.
Milk deserves to be treated more kindly! By having complete control over its production and care, we are able to ensure that at all times it gets the respect it deserves. Isle of Mull Cheese milk is therefore spared the effrontery of pasteurisation. We believe pasteurisation to be unnecessarily brutal way of treating milk to be used for the making of Isle of Mull Cheese. Far too many of those organisms, which have the potential to create individualism and maturity of flavour, are indiscriminately sacrificed in the process.
We strive to keep our cheese as natural as possible, not even adding colouring (commonly used in cheese making). For that reason, the cheeses we make in winter, when the cows are being fed hay, are whiter in appearance than those made when fresh, green grass is more readily available. We want our cheese to be recognised for its individuality of flavour and taste - not by the brightness in colour!!
From time to time, blue veins develop in "Isle of Mull". This is a natural blueing considered by many to be a delectable bonus; certainly it is not harmful and generally such blueing is found in cheese of especially rich maturity.
Egenskaper | |
Salgsenhet | KG |
Opprinnelse | England |
Melk | Ku |
Øvrige egenskaper | Råmelk |
Bestillingsvare | Nei |
Antall per Kolli | 1 |
Nettovekt | 24000 Gram |
Horeca | Ja |
GTIN | N/A |